Adult Ministries

For more information on any of these ministries please contact the church office via email or via phone at 636.928.5885.

Advent by Candlelight

ABC is a special evening for women to be renewed and refreshed by this reminder to stay focused on Christ during the busy Christmas season. This evening provides an opportunity for women of the congregation and their guests to relax and enjoy each other’s company while remembering the meaning of Advent.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Chapel hosts AA meetings on Mondays 6:00–7:30 p.m., Wednesdays 9:00–11:00 a.m., and Saturdays 9:45–11:15 a.m. The first Saturday of the month is open to visitor, while the remainder are closed for the purpose of anonymity. For more information, contact Bob at 314.374.3388.


We are a support group for relatives and friends of addicts to share their strength and hope to help to solve their common problems. We meet Sundays at 6:30 p.m. and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.

Altar Guild

Teams of three or four members are assigned two months of the year to help maintain the altar for worship and communion. Training is provided.

Banner Creators

We use words and images to declare God’s truths for us and to celebrate. Our banners add joy to our church family’s faith journey and celebrate individual baptisms.

Bible Studies

We offer weekly studies, with some breaks during the summer. Tuesday morning 10:00–11:00 a.m. in Room 224 and Wednesday evening 6:30–8:00 p.m. in Room 225.

Birthday Party for Jesus

Join us in December for fun songs, crafts, games, and more as we celebrate the birth of Jesus with a party for Chapel’s children.

Black Tie Hosts

This group of men serves at a variety of ladies’ events here at Chapel (Advent by Candlelight, Girlfriend Gathering, etc.).

Bus Service

Trained volunteers drive the church’s bus to assist those who cannot drive to attend Sunday worship service.

Chapel Circle (LWML)

This group meets monthly September through May. Each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as we support and serve local and global missions and serve.

Chapel Girlfriends

This group of women meet to plan many events to connect women within our congregation as well as with other local congregations. Anyone is welcome to help plan these events. The Girlfriend Gathering is hosted every other year with a Friendship Breakfast on alternate years. Other past events have included Soup’s On, Jewelry Swap, and Summer Soiree’.

Chapel Messengers

A ministry communicating with new high school graduates. We seek to share the love of Christ with these youth and to empower them to stand firm on the Word of God as they embark in this new stage in their journey toward adulthood.

Chapel Moms

We are moms with children who meet monthly, alternating between lunch and dinner, and interact through an active online group. We pray for each other and nourish friendships.

Chapel Scrip

Gift cards to various local grocery stores, restaurants, and retail outlets are available on Sundays 9:00–10:35 a.m. and the second Monday of the month immediately following the 7 p.m. worship service. Proceeds support our Benevolent Fund and also offer scholarships for Chapel youth who are pursuing church-related careers.

Chili Cook-off

This friendly competition is organized by the Family Ministry team and held in February. Join us for a great time of fellowship and an opportunity to meet new people and sample great chili.

Coffee Volunteers

We make the coffee every Sunday morning for everyone to enjoy between the early and late worship services.

Comfort Group

We gather to comfort one another and enjoy the fellowship of others in similar situations. We laugh, we cry, we celebrate life, and we support one another! All are welcome.

Decorating Committee

We come together throughout the year to decorate the church for the various holy days.

Doodle Bags

These activity bags are put together each week and placed in the narthex for young children to take into worship.

Feed My Sheep

We collect and provide food to local families in need through the O.A.S.I.S. Food Pantry and the Concordia Seminary Food Bank.

Friendly Visitors

Members visit other members who cannot attend church or leave their residences. Teams of two bring cheer to families and individuals at the request of one of the pastors.

Giving Tree / Adopt a Family

The Giving Tree and the Mitten Tree are set up in the Narthex the weekend before Thanksgiving. Members of Chapel anonymously provide gift cards and mittens for those in need as we celebrate Christ’s birth.


Teams of members welcome friends and visitors to worship with us and provide directions and other assistance as needed.

Habitat for Humanity

We gather to build homes for local families in need. Join us at the next build date and location.

Hobby Night

We gather on the first Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in Room 114 for fellowship and time to work on your own projects without distractions. Bring a drink for yourself, a snack to share, and your favorite craft project.

Hooks & Needles

Members make hats and blankets for Newborns in Need, hats and scarves for the Christmas Giving/Mitten tree, Prayer Shawls for BJC Hospice retreat for women who have lost a child, hats for the military, and scarves for Special Olympics.

Kitchen Committee

Members help to keep the kitchen stocked and organized for the various events held at Chapel.


The library is located in Room 220 and has a great collection of books that range from Bible study material to Christian fiction to children’s books. The library is open between services on Sunday.

Meals of Comfort

Volunteers prepare and serve a meal at the church to the bereaved family and friends following a funeral, at the request of the grieving family.

Meals of Love

Volunteers prepare and deliver meals to families during difficult or challenging times, at the request of a pastor.

Men's Saturday Morning Bible Study

We meet the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month to study God’s Word and encourage each other. A light breakfast is served at 7:30 a.m. and we have discussion 8:00–9:00 a.m.

Men's Softball

Men (16+) of Chapel enjoy friendly competition with teams from other local churches. The season generally begins in early May with doubleheaders each Saturday morning through the end of July (holiday weekends excepted). A $40 fee per player covers the cost of field rental and paid umpires. Grab your glove and join us!

O.A.S.I.S. Food Pantry

Teams of members from various churches staff the pantry to assist clients with food items provided. Chapel serves two times each month.

Offering Counters

Each team of 5–6 members is assigned counting duties one weekend per month. Usually on Sunday of that weekend, these groups count all the collections received that week, fill out applicable forms and tally sheets, and make a bank deposit.

Office Volunteers

Members help with answering phone calls and various office tasks throughout the week at Chapel. With their help, Chapel can run smoothly!

Operation Christmas Child

A small shoebox can teach a child about the love of God, lead him or her to faith in Christ, inspire pastors, and plant new churches. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out can be eternal. Each year in November we help put together and send out boxes with special Christmas gifts and the Word of God.

Our Lady’s Inn

The mission of Our Lady’s Inn is to provide a safe and loving home with an array of services to support pregnant women age 18 and older and their children suffering with homelessness. There are a variety of opportunities to serve.

Parish Nurses

Skilled nurses can be a resource and provide support or information regarding a medical or health-related situation. The parish nurses provide blood pressure checks on the second Sunday of the month after both services, and they are available to promote and nurture health, wellness, and healing within the congregation.

Prayer Chain

Prayers are the most important need of many, and you can supply this without leaving your home. We respond to requests for prayer by calling other members of the prayer chain through a telephone tree to cover the need with many prayers.

Prayer Shawl

Members gather to crochet shawls that pastors will deliver to homebound individuals and hospital patients to physically surround them in the prayers of the one who created their shawl.

Sausage Supper

The annual Sausage Supper is held the first weekend of November. The proceeds from this event benefit various missions and ministries.

Sound Technicians

These dedicated volunteers run the sound board on Sunday mornings and also put together the live feed for the worship service that is live-streamed to reach many with God’s Word online.

Sparrow’s Nest

The mission of the Sparrow’s Nest Maternity Home is to provide a Christ-centered shelter and to educate homeless pregnant and parenting young women age 18 and under by providing a wide range of services that empower them to make positive and healthy life decisions for themselves and their babies.


The stewardship committee exists to encourage members to deepen their faith in Christ by educating and guiding our fellow members to share their God-given time, talent, and treasure. We also help organize guest speakers and our annual prayer vigil.

T-3 Annual Men's Retreat

Located at Mark Twain Lake (approximately a two-hour drive from Chapel). Activities include fishing, golfing, skeet shooting, hiking, Bible Study, and just relaxing.

Taking Off Pounds Sensibly

This local chapter of the weight-loss support and wellness education organization meets weekly in Room 224.

Technology Group

This group of men and women meet to discuss ways we can better use technology to enhance our worship service as well as our various ministry events and opportunities.

Trivia Night

This fun event is put on by the high school youth group of Chapel. Proceeds from the night are put toward the youth summer mission trip.


We enable and facilitate all ministries at Chapel by providing a clean, safe, and efficient environment in which to work.


We assist with passing out bulletins, seating people, and directing people up to receive Communion.

Wacky Tackers

We help those who need to stay warm when their lives are turned upside down following disasters. Completed quilts are sent to Lutheran World Relief, which distributes them worldwide. We meet to tack/tie quilts from 9:00 a.m. to around 12:00 p.m. in the lower lobby of the church on the first and last Wednesdays of every month.

Women Rooted in Christ (WRC)

This organization serves to connect the many women’s ministries at Chapel by providing and supporting church-wide programs and events for women. We strive to find additional means to encourage spiritual growth and opportunities to serve others. We communicate six times a year via an optional electronic newsletter and a once-a-year meeting.

Young at Heart (Keenagers):

Adults 50+ meet for fun and fellowship.


We have Zumba on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Make sure you schedule in time to take care of yourself! I would love to see you there and hope you can bring a friend. Room 120 Gym on Lower Level.